15 Types Of Pain Relief Oils In Ayurveda-  Pain can be a challenging experience, especially when it occurs in the joints, back, neck, or any other part of the body. It can start mild but quickly change into a serious health condition. Pain in joints and lower back is very common in older age people and headaches are common in every age group of people. Many people use tablets and injections to relieve their pain, but these methods can be harmful to the liver and kidneys and may have long-term side effects. In the alternative, Ayurvedic pain relief is a better option because it is more effective and safe.

15 Types Of Pain Relief Oils In Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a very old way to treat pain and other health problems. In Ayurveda, there are very ways to treat pain however oil massage is the best. Today we will discuss with you 15 Types Of Pain Relief Oils In Ayurveda. These pain oils have different ingredients and have unique workability.  If you have pain in the head, Shoulder, Back, and other body parts then this blog is for you. 

List of 15 Types Of Pain Relief Oils In Ayurveda

In 2024 stress and physical discomfort have become all too common, and many people are seeking natural remedies to find relief. Ayurveda is the best way to treat pain or discomfort with a low risk of side effects. Here is a list of 15 types of pain relief oils in Ayurveda. 

#1 Jcbest Pain relief oil

In our list of 15 Types Of Pain Relief Oils In Ayurveda Jcbest is the best Ayurvedic pain relief oil. It is made with 100% Natural Ingredients such as Carie leaf extract, Mustard oil, Badam Oil, Cinnamon, Clove and Ashwagandha. This Oil is best for the head, lower back, Shoulder and Neck. If you want to purchase this oil then you can easily by on Amazon or your nearest medical store. If you are looking for bulk quantity then please contact our team.

#2 Dr Ortho Pain Relief Oil

Dr Ortho pain relief oil is a popular Ayurvedic pain relief in India. It’s made with powerful 8 Ayurvedic ingredients Eucalyptus Oil Turpentine Oil, Camphor, Methyl Salicylate, Ratanjot Oil, Nutmeg Oil, Menthol, and Clove Oil. You can purchase this oil at your nearest pharma medicine shop. 

#3 Essentium Phygen Rhuval Oil

This pain relief oil is known for its effectiveness in relieving joint pain. It contains natural ingredients such as dana, Ajwine, Saffron, or coconut oil that help reduce inflammation and provide relief from pain.

#4 Blue Nectar 

If you have a body, back, knee, leg, shoulder, and muscle pain? Blue Nectar is the best Pain Relief oil in Ayurveda on our list. It is very easy to use and it will provide you with more than 17 herbal benefits while treating pain.

#5 Mahanarayan Oil

It’s recommended for long-term relief from back pain. It is often used in Ayurveda to reduce aggravated Vata dosha, which is associated with back pain. Regular application of Ashwagandha oil can also help nourish the tissues and bones, reducing muscle spasms.

# 6 Kottamchukkadi Thailam

Kottamchukkadi Thailam is the best Pain Relief oil in Ayurveda that can used for relieving joint pain, muscle pain, and inflammation. It is made from a combination of herbs and oils and is believed to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

#7 Kerala Ayurveda Murivenna

In the list of 15 Types Of Pain Relief Oils In Ayurveda. Kerala Ayurveda Murivenna is the best one because this oil has multiple benefits. The main use of this oil is for pain treatment and sprain and cramps. It also treats burning sensations in the body. 

#8 Sahacharadi Thailam

Sahacharadi Thailam is an Ayurvedic oil to heal joint pain before surgery. It is made with 5 ingredients tulsi, Honey, Brahmi, Lemon oil, Harar and  Behra. It may cause some burning effect on the applied area but it is normal.

#9 Ksheerabala Thailam

Ksheerabala Thailam is an Ayurvedic oil used for relieving joint pain, muscle pain, and inflammation. It is made from a combination of many herbs and oils. If you are seeking instant relief then this is best for you.

#10 Bala Ashwagandha Thailam

In our list of 15 Types Of Pain Relief Oils In Ayurveda Bala Ashwagandha Thailam is the best Ayurvedic oil that can used for relieving joint pain, muscle pain, and Neck Stiffness.

#11 Dhanwantaram Kuzhambu

It is a Massage Ayurvedic oil that can used to treat muscles, ligaments, tendons and skin, and is effective for relieving pain, stiffness, and inflammation of the joints. This oil is specially made for women. 

#12 Karpasasthyadi Thailam

Karpasasthyadi Thailam is an ayurvedic oil blend of carefully selected traditional herbs. Its main purpose is to provide fast relief from various types of joint pain. This potent formulation works by soothing the nerves, relaxing the muscles, and promoting an overall sense of calm in the body. 

#13 Sahacharadi Kuzhambu

Sahacharadi kuzhambu is an herbal oil used for treating Vata disorders, muscle and joint stiffness, and convulsions. It helps relieve inflammation in conditions like Arthritis, Rhinitis, and Sinusitis. The oil is prepared traditionally by infusing herbs in sesame oil, castor oil, and ghee.

#14 Narayana Thailam

Narayana Thailam is an Ayurvedic oil used for relieving joint pain, muscle pain, and inflammation. It also increases muscle strength and provides physical relaxation. In the list of 15 Types Of Pain Relief Oils In Ayurved this one is best.

#15 Sahacharadi Kashayam

Best Ayurvedic oil that helps relieve lower body pain and reduce swelling. It is made with Deodar, Lesser Kurinji, and Ginger, which together provide natural support for joint mobility. It is a simple and effective remedy for different types of lower body aches.


Pain relief oils in Ayurveda should be used as a complementary therapy and not as a substitute for medical treatment. If you are experiencing persistent or severe pain, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. We hope our list of List of 15 Types Of Pain Relief Oils In Ayurveda is helpful for you. 

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