Ayurveda is commonly perceived as a natural and safe alternative to prescription medicines. However, Ayurveda is more than an alternative and a holistic medicine system. Let’s explore What Is Ayurveda and Does It Work with this comprehensive blog by Arlak Ayurveda. Ayurveda is derived from Sanskrit which means “science of life.”  Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical systems in the world originated in India almost 5,000 years ago. It is a traditional medical system that works with a holistic approach to improve physical and mental health.

Unlike the allopathic medicine system that focuses on treating symptoms of disease, the Ayurvedic medicine system restores balance in the body caused by various diseases. This blog by Arlak Ayurveda will delve deeper into What Is Ayurveda and Does It Work. Ayurveda is centered on various core principles whose balance and imbalance are responsible for causing various diseases in our body. 

What Is Ayurveda and Does It Work

Core Principles of Ayurveda 

Ayurveda revolves around the principle that the human body is composed of five elements, three doshas, seven dhatus, and numerous srotas. These five elements govern all our bodily functions and any imbalance in these five elements will consequently be the cause of several diseases. These five elements that make the core principles of Ayurveda are briefed below: 

  • Ether: Also known as Akasha
  • Air: Also known as Vayu
  • Fire: Also known as Teja
  • Water: Also known as Jala
  • Earth: Also known as Prithvi

These five elements also known as Pancha Mahabhoota form three basic humors of the human body. Ayurveda also believes that each person is made differently and has different dietary requirements. The five elements combine to form three types of energy in the human body. These doshas are Pitta dosha (air and space), Vata dosha (water and fire), and Kapha dosha (earth and water). In Ayurveda, the body is comprised of seven different types of tissues also called  Sapta Dhatus. 

  • Rakta Dhatu (blood tissue)
  • Rasa (plasma)
  • Meda (adipose or fat tissue)
  • Mamsa (muscular tissue)
  • Majja (bone marrow)
  • Shukra (reproductive tissue)
  • Asthi (bone tissue)

Influence of Three Doshas in Ayurveda on Our Health and Well-being 

Ayurvedic treatments are mostly based on the presence and absence of the three doshas mentioned above. Each dosha is associated with physical qualities, personality traits, emotional strengths, and weaknesses. Everyone has a combination of all three doshas, but one or two doshas are usually dominant. 




Emotional Effects

Effects on the Body

Vata Dosha Space & Air Dry, Light, Cold, Rough, Mobile Anxiety, Fear, Restlessness Affects Joints, Digestion, Nervous System
Pitta Dosha Fire & Water Sharp, Hot, Light, Oily, Spreading Anger, Frustration Impacts Digestion, Metabolism, Body Temperature
Kapha Dosha Earth & Water Heavy, Cold, Dull, Oily, Stable Attachment, Greed Influences Strength, Immune System, Mucous

The table briefs the the fundamental characteristics of each doshas and their elemental composition, qualities, emotional effects, and their impact on the body. The knowledge of doshas will help you understand the potential effects of doshas and their impact on a person’s well-being according to Ayurvedic principles. 

Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness with Ayurvedic Treatments 

To fully understand what is Ayurveda and does it works it is essential to know about Ayurvedic treatments. Ayurveda believes in personalized treatments and works on the root cause of disease to provide relief.  Ayurvedic treatments are not limited to prescribing medicines, instead, they encourage changes in eating habits, diets, lifestyles, and behavioral changes to promote overall health and well-being. 

An Ayurvedic practitioner starts the treatment by assessing your diet, lifestyle, medical history, environmental conditions, dosha characteristics, and general health status to make any diagnosis. The practitioner then prescribes the best treatment that aligns the best with your health and Ayurvedic dosha. Ayurvedic medicine includes Panchakarma which cleanses and promotes longevity. Ayurvedic treatment generally comprises herbs, dietary changes, detoxification, Ayurvedic massage (which uses warm herbal oils), meditation, and yoga. 


With the global acceptance of Ayurvedic medicines and Ayurvedic treatments, it has become more important than ever to understand what is Ayurveda and does it works. Ayurvedic treatments have recently gained immense popularity for their efficiency in treating several diseases and disorders at the root level. However,  just like any other medicine Ayurvedic medicines shall also be taken only after consulting your Ayurvedic practitioner. This will help you take the right dosage and avoid any possible side effects. 

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